Friday, October 30, 2009

Concision Thing

You lead the last minute heroics and lead you team to victory.

You lead the heroics and your team to victory.

You heroically lead your team to victory.

You  lead heroics.



Friday, October 16, 2009

Reflection on essay

1.   The most challenging part of writing my essay was making it all come together and flow. Our teacher had us get all our thoughts onto paper, and just write what came to our heads. My rough draft I turned in was stream of consciousness. It was very skewed, and addressed a lot of ideas and concepts. I wasn’t really sure how to organize it, or where to go with the essay. I had to take six pages of pretty much randomness, and filter it into a logical essay, addressing the main ideas and concepts I wanted to, meanwhile following and keeping the plot of my baseball memory, interweaving the two in order to backup the ideas I addressed. If I could go back to my essay I would end the essay with me walking off the field, because I feel that the concluding two paragraphs to my essay may have distracted from the point I was trying to make conceptually, and took the focus of the essay back to the story of my pitching performance shame I felt, and not on virtual reality vs. reality. Although it sort of connected to my essay by addressing the mistake I made confusing virtual reality with reality, it may have been unnecessary and redundant.  There are some other things I would also change, but the changes would be less significant

2.   My essay is about virtual reality vs. reality. As technology advances and is used more and more by society, people begin to become very involved with virtual reality. Video games were my main focus. People begin to view videos games as more that just “games.” They begin to enjoy the false feeling of power, superiority, and joy they receive from the game and prefer it to reality. They also can confuse virtual reality with reality because of the superiority and skills they posses in the game. I used a memory of a bad experience in baseball as the base of the essay, in which I too confused virtual reality with reality, leading to a very bad day filled with humiliation.

3.   It was a really fun to write about my topic because it is something I think a lot about, and something I have witnessed and experienced first hand. I liked writing about video games and virtual reality because they are becoming such a large part of society today. It was cool to read about some of the stories and new articles on people confusing virtual reality vs. reality. It was quite entertaining and alarming. I really could get involved and into my topic, which is something I usually struggle to do in writing. That made writing the essay much more fun and less of a burden.